Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Finish Ch 6

About the Exam (this coming Thursday)
50 questions all multiple choice 
small scantron and pencil

[ Went over tweets ]

[ Continued Ch 6 PPT ]

What factors influence our buying decisions??

Social Factors
Culture Factors
Individual Factors
Psychological Factors

1. Social Influences
Reference Groups - those around us that influence what we do (i.e. good friends)

Opinion Leaders - (experts) people we know that have knowledge about that product category (everyone comes to Kyle for the computer problems..I am the opinion leader in Lafayette..)

Family Members - things we see growing up can influence what we purchase down the road
>> Relationships among purchases and consumers in the family
I.E. For a mother's birthday card, the children are the "purchase decision makers" for the customer the parent.

2. Individual Influences
Age/Life Cycle
Personality, Self-Concept, Lifestyle

3. Psychological Influences - the way we view things

- Perception
Selective Exposure - consumer notices certain stimuli and ignores others
Selective Distortion - consumer changes or distorts information that conflicts with feeling or belief. (you're only hearing part of what I say..like the telephone game)
Selective Retention - consumer remembers only that information that supports personal beliefs (what little we remember in class) [note; repetition can be damaging in media if over-exposed]

- Motivation


Experimental - an experience changes behavior

Conceptual - Not learned through direct experience

Beliefs & Attitudes

- Change beliefs about the brand's attributes
- Change the relative importance of these beliefs
- add new beliefs
"attitudes overtime create beliefs"

[ Did and Turned in -- In Class Assignment Sept 18 ] 

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